Newcastle midfielder Sandro Tonali has been charged with breaking betting rules by the FA.

Newcastle United’s midfielder, Sandro Tonali, is facing serious allegations of breaching the Football Association’s betting rules. It has been reported that Tonali allegedly bet on matches between August 12, 2023, and October 12, 2023, which resulted in an accusation of breaching the FA rule 50 times.

Last year, Tonali was subjected to a 10-month suspension by the Italian authorities due to similar betting issues while he was with AC Milan. Despite his hefty transfer to Newcastle for £55m, this betting controversy has mired his career prospects and raised concerns about his conduct.

Newcastle remains vigilant regarding the situation and does not anticipate that these new charges will hinder Tonali’s return to the field in August 2024 or his training activities. It is understood that Tonali has time until April 5 to respond to the misconduct charges.

The Italian midfielder’s original suspension was reduced after reaching a plea bargain with the Italian Prosecutor’s Officer and the Italian Football Federation (FIGC). Although he is currently banned from participating in official matches until August 2024, Tonali remains eligible to train with Newcastle and play in friendly matches. However, this suspension also means that he will be ineligible to represent Italy in the upcoming Euros.

In a hearing at the Italian Federation in Turin, Tonali admitted to placing bets on AC Milan to win games. Reports have revealed that Tonali admitted to struggling with a gambling addiction, and it was stated that he would be undergoing treatment following his ban. These repeated infractions raise concerns about his well-being and decision-making, as well as the support and guidance he receives as a professional athlete.

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