F1 2024: Six Sprint venues confirmed for next season as talks continue over format and schedule

China and Miami will be hosting the Sprint format for the first time in the upcoming Formula 1 season. This exciting news comes as discussions continue regarding potential format changes for 2024. One likely change is a shift in the schedule of the weekend sessions. In the proposed format, the Sprint Shootout, which determines the grid for the Sprint race, would take place on Friday. The 100km Sprint race itself would be held on Saturday, followed by Qualifying for the Sunday Grand Prix.

Along with schedule adjustments, there are further intriguing ideas being discussed to spice up the Sprint weekends. Among them is the possibility of introducing a reverse grid for the Sprint race, a concept that would certainly ignite external debate. Additionally, there are talks of revising the parc ferme regulations, which currently limit teams from making significant changes to their cars after the single Friday practice session. These proposed changes aim to enhance the overall flow and entertainment value of the Sprint events.

Formula 1 has unveiled the six venues that will host Sprint weekends in the 2024 season. Alongside China and Miami, the other selected grands prix are Austria, the United States, Brazil, and Qatar. The return of China to the calendar after the Covid-19 pandemic will mark the first Sprint of the season, scheduled for April 19-21. Miami will then host its inaugural Sprint race on May 3-5, while Austria will take up the Sprint format for the third consecutive year on June 28-30.

The latter part of the season will see a continuation of Sprint races at three venues that have already featured in 2023: the United States GP in Austin (October 18-20), the Sao Paulo GP (November 1-3), and the Qatar GP (November 29-December 1). Formula 1 President, Stefano Domenicali, expressed his delight at the new additions to the Sprint calendar, anticipating exciting events for both the live audience and fans watching from home.

Since its introduction in 2021, the Sprint format has delivered increased TV audiences, boosted on-track entertainment, and engaged fans across social and digital platforms. However, the Sprint’s impact remains a topic of debate. While it has garnered greater global viewership, particularly on Fridays compared to standard race weekends, opinions among drivers and fans are divided. World champion Max Verstappen is among the vocal critics of the Sprint format.

The recent F1 Commission meeting in Abu Dhabi concluded with “overall support” for changing the structure of Sprint weekends in order to create a seamless flow between the Sprint events and the main Grand Prix. While a revised weekend structure is expected to be implemented for the 2024 season, discussions are ongoing regarding potential additional changes.

There are two main paths under consideration for further adjustments. One option involves making no further changes apart from revising the parc ferme regulations to allow teams to modify their cars after the Sprint events. The other option, which would generate significant external debate, is the potential reversal of part of the grid for the Sprint race. This could include reversing the positions of the top 10 qualifiers, injecting an intriguing element of unpredictability into the race.

As Formula 1 prepares for its fourth season featuring Sprint races at select grands prix, the focus remains on optimizing the format to provide competitive track action throughout the entire race weekend. The Sprint format has undeniably made an impact by increasing TV audiences, enhancing on-track excitement, and engaging fans in new ways. With 2024 on the horizon, these ongoing discussions seek to strike the right balance between tradition and innovation, ensuring Formula 1 continues to captivate audiences around the globe.

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